Welcome to the online blog from the SmoothieBox team. We hope the articles we cover on the blog will enhance your experience of enjoying a delicious and healthy smoothie.
Welcome To Our Blog
But more than that, we want to share stories that motivate, make you smile, educate, and enhance your day, if only for just a moment.
Here’s what you can expect to find on this blog:
Blending Tips
Not all blenders are created equal. We’ll share what we’ve learned making, oh, hundreds of smoothies in the past year. (So many delicious smoothies.) You’ll learn about our favorite blenders, some related products, and get tricks to make your blending experience as seamless as possible.
You’ll get suggestions for how to take your Smoothie mix to the next level, from various liquids to creative add-ins. Think: the recipe for your next party cocktail?
The blog will dive into the history of the ingredients featured in your smoothies. We’ll uncover how these ingredients affect your body.
We’ll look into the lives of real people - the people building SmoothieBox as well as you, our customers - and delve into what makes them tick, what drives them, how they inspire us, and what they are inspired by.
More than anything, we’re here to help you develop healthy, daily routines for optimal health - of body, mind, and soul.
When I started having a smoothie every day for breakfast, it simplified my life in a transformative way.
That experience has me thinking more about the value of good habits and discipline.
Learning from other people’s morning rituals helped me uncover my own. That, in essence, is what we hope to be able to do with this blog.
Spark simplicity, creativity, introspection, knowledge, and general well-being for ourselves and others.
We believe that mixing these ingredients together in the right way can lead to a broader harmony in our daily lives and the world.
Welcome to SmoothieBox. I hope you are as eager to see what we concoct as I am.